Natuevo began its journey in 2012, when the first Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller was planted in the old organic almond tree fields of the Fetokakis family, in the small village of Vasileoniko on the Greek island of Chios. We have stayed on that path ever since, always focusing our cultivation and production on sustainability and self-sufficiency, leaving the smallest ecological footprint and following the natural rhythm of evolution.
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organic aloe vera juice
We created our organic aloe vera juice recipe as the most direct and natural way to drink aloe gel and fully enjoy the therapeutic benefits of this special plant. Aloe has been part of our diet since ancient times, helping our digestive system work properly and thus contributing to a strong immune system. The added ingredients of lemon and mastiha oil provide anti-oxidant and anti-microbial effects, but also a hint of the flavours and aromas of the island of Chios. We will be glad to welcome you to Vasileonico and guide you through all the stages of production of our juice, from harvesting the leaves at sunrise to sealing the last bottle in our laboratories at dusk. All done at a small scale, using manual labour techniques and infusing the entire process with the best of ingredients: love.


The juice that is made from aloe vera gel contains only the inner fillet of the aloe vera leaf, which is manually separated from the outer bark that contains the yellow bitter and toxic mucus (aloe latex or aloin). The edible aloe vera gel consists of 98 % water, and the remaining 2 % contains over 200 active ingredients. The chemical composition of the solid component consists of 55 % polysaccharides, 17 % sugars, 16 % micronutrients, 7 % proteins, 4 % lipids and 1 % phenolic elements. (1)


Acemannan (or aloverose) is the main polysaccharide to be found in aloe vera, immensely popular in research on animals and on humans, as well as in laboratory tests. Acemannan is a polysaccharide with numerous pharmacological and biological applications, amongst others in stimulating the immune system, fighting cancer, dental hyperplasia and diabetes, healing ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, and it is also known to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


The enzymes found in the aloe vera plant enhance digestion, while contributing to many reactions that take place at the cellular level. Alkaline phosphatase, amylase, bradykinase, catalase, lipase, protease, creatine phosphokinase, carboxypeptidase, cellulase, oxidase, superoxide dismutase. (26, 27) Superoxide dismutase is aloe vera’s most important enzyme; research on animals has shown it to contribute to free-radical neutralization reactions. (28)


The main monosaccharide to be found in aloe vera is mannose 6 phosphate(M6P).


Aloe contains natural probiotics and fructans, which increase the composition of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) (14,15). SCFAs result from the bacterial fermentation of foods with undissolved dietary fibres. They perform important metabolic functions and are essential for good gut health. (16)


Two plant hormones, gibberellin and auxin, activate cell reproduction and contribute to aloe vera’s healing properties.


Alprogen, a glycoprotein with anti-allergic properties.


Lupeol, with antiseptic properties.


The main phenol to be found in aloe vera is pyrogallol. It also contains salicylic acid, ellagic acid and ferulic acid.

Gut Health

  1. Constipation: Aloe vera gel has anti-inflammatory components that improve the functioning of the digestive organs, it normalizes the acidic alkaline environment by balancing the pH and fosters the growth of friendly bacteria.
  2. Ulcer healing: the systematic consumption of aloe has been shown to accelerate the healing of stomach ulcers (12).
  3. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): Comparative studies with omeprazole have shown aloe juice to palliate the reflux symptoms (13). Treatments using aloe vera gel juice can significantly reduce the cost of treatment for people living in least developed countries who have no access to classic therapies.
  4. Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Irritable Bowel Syndrome has no organic cause. It appears as inflammations in the intestinal lumen caused by certain foods or an imbalance in the intestinal flora. The systematic intake of aloe vera helps reduce gut inflammation and develop good bacteria-probiotics, which effectively regulate the dysbiosis that is characteristic of irritable bowel syndrome. As a result, it restores the balance in the gut brain axis. (17)


Numerous research has proven the systematic consumption of aloe vera juice to significantly prevent diabetes in persons predisposed to it. Clinical tests have shown it to reduce fasting blood sugar levels and blood triglycerides. (4, 5) Persons with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes in the US and Asia are being treated with Aloe Vera juice, and the outcomes are impressive, resulting even in the reduction or elimination of medical treatments, provided there is close supervision by the treating physician. The hypoglycaemic action of aloe through its ability to enhance cell sensitivity to insulin makes it promising for the regulation of prediabetic and diabetic patients. In fact, one clinical study showed aloe vera to be superior to the anti-diabetic drug glyperidine and demonstrated an increase in the ability of pancreatic islets to secrete insulin, substantially favouring the regulation of diabetes. (6)

Weight Loss

The probiotics found in aloe vera increase the composition of SCFAs (propionic acid, butyric acid, acetic acid), which are absorbed through circulation and influence the liver, the adipose tissue, the muscles and the brain. They regulate the metabolism by increasing the secretion of leptin by the adipose tissue, a hormone that reduces appetite, and at the same time act directly on the brain, which signals satiation and thus leads to weight loss (16).  In addition, SCFAs affect the liver and muscles, increasing the sensitivity of cells to insulin; in practice, this means that the cells incept more glucose from the blood and, therefore, blood glucose decreases. This can treat glucose intolerance in cases of prediabetes and help to better regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates in diabetic people. (20)

Immune System

The immune system-enhancing properties of aloe vera are due to the polysaccharides found in the plant, particularly acemannan. It significantly tones the immune system through the activation of interleukin 1 IL-1, cytokines, the TNF factor and through the maturation of dendritic cells and macrophages, cells responsible for cellular immunity. (2) Through macrophage activation, nitric acid is secreted which has a potent immunomodulatory effect, enhancing immunity in animal and laboratory studies. (3)

LDL and HDP Cholesterol

Aloe vera gel helps reduce LDL cholesterol and improve HDL cholesterol, while at the same time decreasing triglycerides and thus the overall risk of metabolic syndrome in diabetic and prediabetic individuals. Research conducted on humans has shown significant improvement in the lipid profile with the administration of 500 mg of aloe twice a day. (4)


Laboratory research has demonstrated the anti-tumour properties of aloe vera in many types of cancer, including colorectal cancer, hepatoma, leukaemia, skin cancer, lung adenocarcinoma, prostate and pancreatic cancer. (7) Furthermore, studies conducted on mice have shown acemannan to be highly effective in reducing complications in radiotherapy, with a significant reduction in mice mortality when radiotherapy was combined with the administration of acemannan. (8)

Reduction of oxidative stress

Aloe Vera contains vitamins A, C, E which have powerful antioxidant properties. The antioxidant action of aloe is enhanced by its ability to reduce the free radicals resulting from the biological reactions of the short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) produced during the fermentation of aloe fibres by its probiotics in the intestinal lumen. Furthermore, Aloe Vera has a natural antioxidant action due to the enzyme superoxide dismutase, which has been shown to reduce oxidative stress in the liver in animal studies. (28)

Anti-inflammatory action

Aloe Vera gel boasts significant antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal action. It has shown promising results in the treatment of strains resistant to antimicrobial drugs, as it appears to act as a potent therapeutic agent in pseudomonas strains. (19) It is also highly effective in the treatment of oral herpes simplex. (29)


Α. Healing action: The healing properties of Aloe Vera in wounds on the skin and oral mucosa have been proven by many studies showing an increase in type I and III collagen. Furthermore, acemannan has recently been shown to have an effect on gingival fibroblasts, thus helping in stomatitis and in inflammations of the oral cavity. The antibacterial properties of fresh aloe vera juice contribute significantly to the reduction of inflammations in the gastrointestinal tract.

Β. Hydration and Anti-Aging: The polysaccharides in aloe activate fibroblasts, which in turn produce collagen and elastin in the skin, keeping it supple and wrinkle-free. (9)


Acemannan promotes bone formation and increases the speed of new bone growth, bone density, and recovery after dental procedures. (10) Research has demonstrated the effectiveness of aloe polysaccharides in the formation of dentin in children aged 7 to 11.(11)


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